One of my favorite things about social media is how it is used to promote great causes.  This November, I’m using my blog and participating in MOVEMBER, a movement to help promote awareness and raise money for men’s health issues.  You can donate to the cause here.


Select Your Stache


I’m really a big fan of this cause. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people say that Social Media is a waste of time. I’ve even heard of social media professionals being accused of “playing around” on social media because they weren’t qualified to do “real online marketing.” The amount of awareness, the amount of money that is raised because of this silly thing called MOVEMBER is astounding. And it would have been very difficult to achieve that kind of success with a campaign like this before social media.  Consider that.

Please help me raise awareness, and more importantly, Please donate here if you can.


David McBee