Do you have any idea how much free information is available to people looking to improve their Search Engine Marketing campaigns? The fact that you read this blog says something about the fact that you do. You understand that blogs are a valuable resource for learning strategic do-it-yourself internet marketing. And in fact, I hope you’ve picked up a few tips from me here on my blog.
But did you also know that there are groups of people in SEM that like to get together in person?! Yes, it’s true. We internet junkies do actually unplug once in awhile for good conversation and the exchange of ideas. (Although some of us tend to speak in 140 character statements. LOL)
There are Search Engine Marketing Meetup Groups all over the world. I highly suggest you CLICK HERE to find one near you. I think you’ll find that, despite the competitive nature of our business, there are experts who are more than willing to share their insight for the price of a draft beer.
Personally, I don’t mind giving away lots of free advice. There’s not much that a search professional can do for you that you can’t do for yourself if you’re so inclined to learn how. That’s not to say that it’s easy. What SEO, SEM and even Social Media professionals do for a living is always changing and requires a great deal of knowledge to execute properly. Not to mention the time involved in any internet marketing campaign.
Anyway, here in Kansas City, we have a great group that meets on the last Tuesday of each month. KCSEM: The Kansas City Search Engine Marketing Association. Most of the time, they host a guest speaker who is happy to provide great insight into his or her personal marketing expertise, be it SEO, PPC, Google+ or whatever. Next week, however, KCSEM is offering a site clinic. In their own words, “reviewing websites in quick collaborative sessions to provide insight on what you might want to consider as next steps in getting your site a presence for desired terms.”
In my personal opinion, listening to a room full of search engine marketing professionals dissect a website has a lot of potential as a teaching tool. I’m very much looking forward to it. I hope to see you there. (Grab me and say hello if you come!)
Click here to learn more about the November KCSEM event